A US Senator Says Top US Officials are Coming Forward to Confirm the UFO Whistleblower's Testimony

By now you've no doubt heard of former Air Force officer and official in the National Reconnaissance Office David Grusch and the shocking UFO news he's gone public with. If not (and where the hell have you been?) here's the piece Chief wrote about it as a refresher:

As credible as Grusch is and however compelling his testimony, he is just one man. Not easily dismissed, mind you. But as fallible as any human. And Grusch has been very clear in stating he hasn't personally witnessed these downed UFOs or been directly involved with studying them; he's merely spoken to those how have. So it's not unreasonable that some may be skeptical about his claims. 

But what can the skeptics argue once we get the sworn testimony of multiple David Grusches? Including the actual officials who have worked on these craft? Which is precisely what Senator Marco Rubio is saying:

Newsweek - Marco Rubio has claimed that those who have come forward regarding claims about the U.S. government retrieving alien aircraft "have held very high clearances and high positions within our government."

The senior senator for Florida and vice chair of the Select Committee on Intelligence was cautious not to reveal who had already come forward with information as part of an investigation by Congress into the matter when he spoke to NewsNation on Monday.

"Frankly a lot of them are very fearful," the Republican senator said. "Fearful of their jobs, fearful of their clearances, fearful of their career." Similarly, others involved in the investigation have been guarded about the details of the probe. …

"There are people who have come forward to share information with our committee over the last couple of years," Rubio said on Monday, adding in reference to Grusch: "I would imagine some of them are potentially some of the same people perhaps he's referring to." …

Asked about who was coming forward as part of the investigation, Rubio said some were public figures who "we've heard from" in the past, while others had not spoken publicly on UFOs. Others, meanwhile, "still work in the government."

When questioned about whether he found the assertions credible, the senator responded that some of the claims "are beyond the realm of what any of us has ever dealt with," but that the inquiry would "intake the information without any prejudgement or jumping to any conclusions in one direction or another."

Rubio said: "I will say I find most of these people—at some point, or maybe even currently—have held very high clearances and high positions within our government, so you do ask yourself: 'What incentive would so many people with that kind of qualification… have to come forward and make something up?'"

Now it's my turn for a little skepticism. I'll go so far as to call it cynicism. I trust next to nothing that comes out of the government. Particularly when it comes to UFOs. Every federal agency that has ever addressed this phenomenon has had decades to perfect the art of covering it up, discrediting witnesses, hiding the truth, dismissing evidence, and straight up lying about it. And those hearings o Capitol Hill last year made big promises and served up a giant congressional nothingburger with cheese. So while I want to believe Rubio and think we should all keep an open mind, don't keep yours so far open that your brains fall out. 

The takeaway here is that we're experiencing a rising tide of government officials, including what Rubio describes as having "very high clearances and high positions within our government," going on the record, in sworn testimony, under pains and penalties of perjury, risking their careers and their credibility, to offer their first hand accounts in a way that was unthinkable as recently as a couple of years ago. To report on government research into these objects that we've been told for almost a century don't exist. That were dismissed as nothing but lies from the worst kind of delusional crackpots. 

If true, this is an all time game changer. Stay tuned. We may be months, weeks, or even days away from getting the full picture. And life on this planet will never be the same.

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